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Laminates and Industrial Thermosets (Phenolics)

Thermosets (Paper, Canvas, Linen), Epoxy, G-10, FR-4, FR-5 , GPO, Melamine, Silicone and more

These materials were originally invented by Dr. Leo Baekeland in 1907. First called Bakelite, it is claimed to be the first synthetic thermoset plastic material. Several other base and resin materials are also available; Polyester, Melamine, Nylon and more.

This high temperature resistant material has been used in numerous applications for over 100 years. Other laminate trade names: Phenolic, Micarta®, Phenolfab®, Phenolkraft®, Ryertex®, Garolite®, Spauldite® and Texolite®. Please call with additional questions or specification assistance, or contact us here.

Canvas, Paper and Linen based Phenolic sheet

Grades Available:

Paper Base Laminates;

(X, XX, XXX, XP) – Composed of layers of paper base impregnated with a phenolic resin binder. It has excellent electrical properties with fair mechanical strength. Outstanding for use as a template material or backup stock material. It can certify to NEMA XX (in XX Grade), and MIL-I-24768/10 or 11

Canvas Base Laminates;

(C and CE) – This grade is composed of a continuous cotton woven cloth impregnated with a phenolic resin binder. This grade contains a medium weave canvas fabric and is known primarily for it’s mechanical properties. Not recommended for primary insulation. It can certify to NEMA C/CE, and MIL-I-24768/14 or 16

Linen Base Laminates;

(L and LE) – This grade contains a fine weave linen, and like canvas phenolic, is known for it’s mechanical properties. The finer weave allows for machining more intricate details than the Canvas, ie: small gear teeth. It can certify to NEMA L/LE, and MIL-I-24768/13 or 15

G-10 / FR4 Laminates;

(G-10 and G-10 FR4) – The most versatile all-around laminate, this grade is comprised of layers of a continuous glass woven fabric base impregnated with an epoxy resin binder. It has extremely high mechanical strength, good dielectric loss properties, both wet and dry. Extremely abrasive while machining, diamond tooling is recommended. It can certify to NEMA FR4, and MIL-I-24768/27

Phenolics and Laminates are ITAR compliant, and Phenolics and Laminates are RoHS compliant

Laminates Applications

Test boardsTerminal stripsCondensersCoilsArc Shields
Circuit boardsGasketsFusesTransformer Panels

Phenolic Applications

PinionsAircraiftSeals & GasketsMotor housingsRadio terminal boards
BushingsInsulating washersMarine switchboard panelsThermostat housingAuto ignition components
Punch partsCommunication instrumentsHandles for pots and pansKnife handles

Laminate Availability:

Sheet, Rod and Tube:

.005″ -4″ thick,

From .125″- 10″ diameter
Tubing – Call us

A huge variety of sizes are available depending on grade. Call for detailed availability on your requirement.

Also available: Polyester, Nylon and Melamine Resisns and other Specialty Grades.

GradeCertifies ToIndustrial Type of Material
XMil- I- 24768/12 PBMIndustrial thermoset (Paper Grade Laminate) Superior Mechanical Properties for paper grade
XXMil- I- 24768/11 PBGIndustrial thermoset (Paper Grade Laminate)
XXXMil- I- 24768/10 PBEIndustrial thermoset (Paper Grade Laminate) Best Electrical Properties for paper grade
CMil- I- 24768/16 FBMIndustrial thermoset (Canvas Cotton Grade Laminate)
CEMil- I- 24768/14 FBMIndustrial thermoset (Canvas Cotton Grade Laminate)
LMil- I- 24768/15 FBIIndustrial thermoset (Linen Grade Laminate)
LEMil- I- 24768/13 FBEIndustrial thermoset (Linen Grade Laminate)
G-10Mil- I- 24768/ 2 GEEIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Epoxy)
FR-4Mil- I- 24768/ 27 GEE-FIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Epoxy) Fire Retardant Grade of G-10
G-11Mil- I- 24768/3 GEBIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Epoxy)
FR-5Mil- I- 24768/28 GEB-FIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Epoxy)Fire Retardant Grade of G-11
G5Mil- I- 24768/8 GMGIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Melamine)
G9Mil- I- 24768/1 GMEIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Melamine)
G7Mil- I- 24768/17 GSGIndustrial thermoset (Glass-cloth reinforced Silicone)
GPO-1Mil- I- 24768/4 GPO1Industrial thermoset (Glass-mat reinforced Polyester)
GPO-2Mil- I- 24768/ 5 GPO2Industrial thermoset (Glass-mat reinforced Polyester)
GPO-3Mil- I- 24768/6 GPO3Industrial thermoset (Glass-mat reinforced Polyester)

These properties are for evaluation purposes only. This information is not to be construed as a warranty, guarantee or assurance that you may achieve the same results. Materials made from different resin types, manufacturing techniques and manufacturers will react differently. The information should be used to compare against other materials only, and each user should make his own tests to determine suitability. No warranty as to this materials suitability are either expressed nor implied.