Nylon (Polyamide)
PA6, PA6/6, PA6/10, PA6/12
Type 6, Type 6/6, Type 6/10, and Type 6/12
Commonly known as PA6 (Cast) and PA66 (Extruded)
Available As Sheet, Rod, Tubular Bar, Tube and Cast Blocks and Shapes
Nylon material is used frequently in a self lubricating bearing surface or slide type applications. Resistant to most common chemicals.
One of the most popular work horse materials of the mechanical plastics family. The number designations that follow each type of nylon refers to the number of carbon atoms contained in the material’s prior polymerization process.
Used in Food Processing, Automotive, Fluid Handling, Electronics and Mining applications.
Other brand or trade names for Type 6/6 and Type 6: Vekton®, Unipa®, Tecast®, Nyoil®, Tecamid®, Sustamid®, Capron®, Nylatron®, Ensilon®, and Zytel®. This wear resistant plastic is one of the best known superior mechanical plastic materials.
Various colors are available depending on the type of nylon need for your application.
Nylon is a High Tech Performance Plastic.
These properties are for evaluation purposes only. This information is not to be construed as a warranty, guarantee or assurance that you may achieve the same results. Materials made from different resin types, manufacturing techniques and manufacturers will react differently. The information should be used to compare against other materials only, and each user should make his own tests to determine suitability. No warranty as to this materials suitability are either expressed nor implied.