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Ask A “Plasticologist”

Ask A “Plasticologist”

Ask A “Plasticologist”

Have questions?

We expect you to, and we have the answers.

Call us at (866) 832-9315

What is a “Plasticologist”?

A Plasticologist is an expert in the plastic sheet, rod and tube market. An individual with years of experience dealing with the tough problems our clients face day in and day out. Our entire client support staff is made up of ‘Plasticologists’. Many of our client support team members have 15 or more years experience, some with over 25 years (two remember when dirt was invented). This team helps our clients solve problems, assistance with picking proper materials, knowing what sizes and shapes can be made available, etc.

We are experts, but we are not engineers nor can we engineer your part. We can recommend materials that may work. We can sort through the myriad of sizes, shapes and colors available. We can point out the pitfalls we have seen and helped others to avoid. We are your plastic advocate, your ally and assistant.

While we can’t engineer, we can provide endless data sheets, product information, material availability and popular solutions to problems similar to yours. We spend a fair amount of time working with engineers and manufacturers helping to pick materials for their use, we can certainly assist you with your challenges. We stock a complete line of American Made High Performance Plastic materials, and can assist with any of your plastic sheet, rod and tube requirements.

Give us a try, throw your problem to a “plasticologist”, you deserve this high level of service. If you are looking for some assistance in picking the proper material for your application, our ‘Plasticologists’ are happy to assist in narrowing down a selection, or you can use our free Plastic Materials Selection Guide.

Get Help From A ‘Plasticologist’ – Click Here –

Or Call us at 866-832-9315 or 714-978-3520

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2240 S. Dupont Drive
Anaheim, CA  92806

South side of the Angel’s Stadium

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(866) 832-9315 Toll Free

(714) 978-2812 Fax