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The Plastic Mentor Blog

Where all your plastic questions get answered

Nylon Food Grade Changes

Nylon Food Grade Changes

Is Nylon Rod and Sheet Food Grade This question was very easy to answer, up until now. First: what is Zytel 42? It is a Natural Nylon 6/6 extrusion grade plastic resin. An extremely popular and heavily used material for machinable and durable plastic parts. For as far...

What is Oilon PV80

What is Oilon PV80

What is Oilon PV80 We have recently received a question from a client on an old product called Oilon PV80. This was one of the first attempts to make a plastic ‘slicker’, and they achieved this by adding an oil agent to Acetal resin. The Oilon PV 80 material failed...